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朱文斐   教授 /   Email:

朱文斐,1986年7月出生👨‍🦯,A8体育教授,美國亞利桑那州立大學運動與健康專業博士,北京大學運動人體科學專業碩士👱‍♂️、學士。研究方向主要包括科學化運動訓練與健康促進、能量代謝測量與評估🪵、慢性疾病的預防與幹預、健康數據分析與處理🌂、運動技能學習與控製等🏭。曾在LancetJournal of Sport and Health ScienceMedicine & Science in Sports & ExerciseJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport🐭、科學等國內外權威期刊發表40余篇期刊論文;曾獲陜西省第四屆本科高校課堂教學創新大賽一等獎,首屆西部師範大學教師教育創新與發展聯盟教學大賽二等獎,陜西師範大學教學質量優秀獎,校級青年教師基本功大賽全英語組一等獎;主持省級一流課程1門🛶,西部師範院校課程創新大賽二等獎,主持校級教學改革項目3項🖖🏽☹️,校級課程思政示範課程,校級優秀案例,獨立發表專著2部,參編教材3部。主持國家社會科學基金項目1項,國家總局科技創新項目-國家隊科研攻關項目1項,教育部人文社科研究項目課題1項,教育部產學合作項目1項🍠,陜西省省級課題3項,中央高校基本科研基金項目2項👈🏻⬅️;參與國家級課題3項🧘‍♂️,參與省部級課題5項🐮;參與國家總局備戰東京奧運會年度科技服務項目。現任中國老年學和老年醫學學會運動健康科學分會委員👨🏿‍🎨,中國學生營養與健康促進運動與營養分會委員🧙‍♂️,陜西省營養學會運動營養分會常委,陜西省保健協會運動營養分會委員⇨🙍🏿‍♀️,陜西省排球協會科研訓練委員會委員,陜西省排球協會科研訓練委員會委員👯‍♂️,西安市長安區歸國華僑聯合會委員🤷‍♂️,成都英文期刊《Sports Medicine and Health Science》青年編委👨🏿‍🍳🧒🏻。國家排球一級裁判員,二級運動員🛍️。

博士學位:2012年9月至2015年5月🧗🏻‍♀️,美國亞利桑那州立大學營養與健康促進學院(Ph.D., School of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.)
2022年11月-2023年11月:教育部產學合作協同育人項目 “強國背景下《運動技能學習與控製》“以人”課程思政與教學創新實踐研究”主持人。
2020年9月至2022年12月:陜西省社會科學基金項目 “重大公共衛生突發事件背景下老年人認知功能影響因素調查及室內視頻遊戲幹預效果研究”主持人。
2020年3月至2022年1月:教育部人文社會科學一般項目 “健康老齡化背景下養老機構老年人認知功能障礙影響因素調查及視頻遊戲幹預模型探索研究”主持人。
2017年1月至2018年6月:陜西省社科界重大理論與現實問題研究項目 “陜西省老年人體力活動水平和認知功能的關系”主持人。
2017年1月至2017年9月🧵:西安市社會科學規劃基金項目 “西安市老年人體力活動水平與城市建成環境的關系研究”主持人。
2018年8月至2022年12月:國家自然科學基金面上項目 “基於無創檢測信息探索體力活動對中學生慢性疲勞綜合征的改善機製”第三參與人。
Yanbing Li,Longhai Zhang, Shutong Yang, Ling Zhang, Jiaming Yan,Weixin Chen,Haiqi Zeng🧛🏻,Yuliang Sun, Wenfei Zhu*. Regional Variations in Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents in Shaanxi Province. Healthcare.2024 Sep; 12(18), 1890.
Ling Zhang, Haiqi Zeng,Yuliang Sun, Huiheng Xue, Liquan Gao, Wenfei Zhu*. Effect of Tai Chi Compared to Running on Drug Cravings, Attention Bias, and Physical Fitness in Men with Methamphetamine Use Disorder. Healthcare.2024 Aug; 12(16):1653.
Jiawei Guo, Longhai Zhang, Ling Zhang, Yanbing Li, Shutong Yang, Yixuan Sun, Ruoqi Zhang, Wenfei Zhu*. Effect of interactive exergame training on physical fitness and executive function among men with substance use disorder in rehabilitation center. Mental Health and Physical Activity. 2024 Mar; 26: 100598.
Wenfei Zhu, Yanbing Li, Chenxi Zhao, Virginia J Howard, Virginia G Wadley, Suzanne E Judd, Natalie Colabianchi, Leslie A McClure, Steven P Hooker, Yuliang Sun*. Changes in Adiposity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: The REGARDS Study. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2024 Mar;79(3):gbad184.
Longhai Zhang, Jiawei Guo, Jing Zhang, Ling Zhang, Yanbing Li, Shutong Yang, Wenfei Zhu* and Fei Guo*. Interactive Cognitive Motor Training: A Promising Approach for Sustainable Improvement of Balance in Older Adults. Sustainability. 2023 Oct; 15: 13407.
Lin Wang, Fei Guo, Chenxi Zhao, Minmin Zhao, Chenglei Zhao, Jiawei Guo, Longhai Zhang, Ling Zhang, Zheng'ao Li, Wenfei Zhu*. The effect of aerobic dancing on physical fitness and cognitive function in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic-a natural experiment. Sports Medicine and Health Science. 2023 Jul; 5(3): 196-204.
朱文斐, 趙敏敏,王琳🚑,趙成雷,趙晨曦👰‍♀️,路惠婷,孫宇亮. 體感遊戲與有氧健身舞改善老年人健康體適能與平衡能力的效果對比研究. 醫用生物力學.2023年8月,38(4). 784-790.
趙晨曦🐊,朱文斐*,孫方君,李運峰,趙成雷,郭嘉瑋✳️,張龍海,趙敏敏,王琳. 老年人身體活動及久坐時間與靜態平衡能力的相關性.醫用生物力學.2022年10月,37(5). 839-845.
Zijun Lu, Chuangui Mao, Yuanyuan Tan, Xingyue Zhang, Zheng’ao Li, Ling Zhang, Wenfei Zhu*, and Yuliang Sun*. Trends in Physical Fitness and Nutritional Status among School-Aged Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Shaanxi, China—A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients. 2022 Sept; 14: 3016.
Xingyue Zhang, Chuangui Mao, Yuanyuan Tan, Zijun Lu, Zheng’ao Li, Ling Zhang, Yuliang Sun*, Wenfei Zhu*. Association between Dietary Patterns and Physical Fitness among Chinese Children and Adolescents in Shaanxi Province. Nutrients. 2022 Sept; 14: 3677.
Chenxi Zhao, Chenglei Zhao, Minmin Zhao, Lin Wang, Jiawei Guo, Longhai Zhang, Yunfeng Li, Yuliang Sun , Ling Zhang, Zheng’ao Li and Wenfei Zhu*. Effect of Exergame Training on Working Memory and Executive Function in Older Adults. Sustainability. 2022 Aug; 14: 10631.
Chenglei Zhao, Chenxi Zhao, Yunfeng Li, Minmin Zhao, Lin Wang, Jiaweiguo, Longhai Zhang, Yuliang Sun, Xintong Ye, Wenfei Zhu*. The Effects of Active Video Game Exercise Based on Self-Determination Theory on Physical Fitness and Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022 July; 11: 3984.
Zijun Lu, Zhengao Li, Chuangui Mao, Yuanyuan Tan, Xingyue Zhang, Ling Zhang, Wenfei Zhu* and Yuliang Sun*. Correlation between Campus-Built Environment and Physical Fitness in College Students in Xi’an—A GIS Approach. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2022 June;19: 7948.
Wenfei Zhu, Longhai Zhang, Ling Zhang, Longkun Qiu, Jiawei Guo, Zheng’ao Li and Yuliang Sun*. Association of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors with the Risk of Refractive Error in Chinese Urban/Rural Boys and Girls. Sustainability. 2022 May; 14: 5539.
Wenfei Zhu, Yunfeng Li, Bingqi Wang, Chenxi Zhao, Tongzhou Wu, Tao Liu, Fangjun Sun*. Objectively Measured Physical Activity is Associated with Static Balance in Young Adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2021 Oct;18: 10787.
Sifan Kang, Yuliang Sun, Xinxin Zhang, Fangjun Sun, Bingqi Wang, Wenfei Zhu*. Is Physical Activity Associated with Mental Health among Chinese Adolescents during Isolation in COVID-19 Pandemic? Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. 2021 Mar; 11(1):26-33.
Wenfei Zhu*, Zhiwei Cheng, Virginia J. Howard, Suzanne E. Judd, Steven N. Blair, Yuliang Sun, Steven P. Hooker. Is adiposity associated with objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviors in older adults? BMC Geriatrics. 2020 July; 20:257.
Yuliang Sun, Chunzheng He, Xinxin Zhang, Wenfei Zhu*. Association of Built Environment with Physical Activity and Physical Fitness in Men and Women Living inside the City Wall of Xi’an, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020 July; 17(14): 4940.
Wenfei Zhu, Monica Gutierrez, Meynard J Toledo, Sarah Mullane, Anna P Stella, Randolph Diemar, Kevin F Buman, Matthew P Buman. Long-term effects of sit-stand workstations on workplace sitting: a natural experiment. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2018 Aug; 21(8): 811-816.
Wenfei Zhu, Yuliang Sun, Jonathan Kurka, Carrie Geremia, Jessa K. Engelberg, Kelli L Cain, Terry Conway, James F Sallis, Steven P. Hooker, Marc Adams. Reliability of Google Earth Microscale Audit Pedestrian Streetscapes (GMAPS) between raters with varied familiarities of a region. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2017 Nov; 167: 240-248.
Wenfei Zhu, Virginia G. Wadley, Virginia J. Howard, Brent Hutto, Steven N. Blair, Steven P. Hooker. Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2017 Jan; 49(1):47-53.
Wenfei Zhu, Aiping Chi, Yuliang Sun. Physical activity among older Chinese adults living in urban and rural areas: A review. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2016 Sept; 5(3): 281-286.
Wenfei Zhu, Virginia J. Howard, Virginia G. Wadley, Brent Hutto, Steven N. Blair, John E. Vena, Natalie Colabianchi, David Rhodes, Steven P. Hooker. Association of Objectively Measured Physical Activity with Cognitive Function in Older Adults - The REGARDS Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2015 Dec; 63(12):2447-2454.
Wenfei Zhu, Steven Hooker, Yuliang Sun, Minhao Xie, Hao Su, Jianmin Cao. Associations of Cardiorespiratory Fitness with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Middle-aged Chinese Women. BMC Women’s Health. 2014 Apr; 14: 62.
Xinxin Zhang, Wenfei Zhu, Sifan Kang, Longkun Qiu, Zijun Lu, Yuliang Sun*. Association between Physical Activity and Mood States of Children and Adolescents in Social Isolation during the COVID-19 Epidemic. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020 Oct; 17(20): 7666.
Christine B. Phillips*, Jessa K. Engelberg, Carrie Geremia, Wenfei Zhu, Jonathan M. Kurka, Kelli L. Cain, James F. Sallis, Terry L. Conway, Marc A. Adams. Online versus in-person comparison of Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS) assessments: Reliability of alternate methods. International Journal of Health Geographics. 2017 Aug; 16(1): 27.
Yu Liu, Yuliang Sun, Wenfei Zhu, Jiabin Yu. The late swing and early stance of sprinting are most hazardous for hamstring injuries. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2017 June; 6(2): 133-136.
Aiping Chi, Zhimei Shen, Wenfei Zhu, Yuliang Sun, Yijiang Kang, Fei Guo. Characterization of a protein-bound polysaccharide from Herba Epimedii and its metabolic mechanism in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2017 May; 203: 241-251.
Fuzhong Li, Yu Liu, Wenfei Zhu, Peter Harmer. China's challenges in promoting physical activity and fitness. Lancet. 2016 Sept; 388(10051): 1278-1279.
Jonathan M. Kurka, Marc A. Adams, Carrie Geremia, Wenfei Zhu, Kelli L. Cain, Terry L. Conway, James F. Sallis. Comparison of Field and Online Observations for Measuring Land Uses using the Microscale Audit of Pedestrian Streetscapes (MAPS). Journal of Transport and Health, 2016, Sept; 3(3):278-286.
Donghai Wang, Jian Zhang, Yuliang Sun, Wenfei Zhu, Shiliu Tian, Yu Liu. Evaluating the fall risk among elderly population by choice step reaction test. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2016 Aug; 11: 1075-1082.
Steven P. Hooker, Brent Hutto, Wenfei Zhu, Steven N. Blair, Natalie Colabianchi, John E. Vena, David Rhodes, and Virginia J. Howard. Accelerometer Measured Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity in White and Black Adults: The REGARDS Study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2015 Apr; 19 (4):336-341.
朱文斐🦻🏻,曹建民,包大鵬. 振動放松緩解骨骼肌運動性疲勞即時效果研究.北京大學學報, 2012年2月,35(2):50-53.
朱文斐. 排球扣球動作技術的生物力學分析.運動,2010年3月,7(3):29-30.
姜迪🏌🏼,朱文斐,曹建民,謝敏豪,郭嫻,孫宇亮. 不同體力活動水平40~49歲高校女性教師心血管風險研究. 天津學報, 2014年7月, 29(4):360-364.
蘇浩,謝敏豪,曹建民💻,王馨塘,嚴翊🧑🏿‍🚀,王卉,林家仕,朱文斐,趙巖,李松波,李婷婷🪬,靳一哲. 40-49歲成年人運動中心血管風險預測研究.科學🌻,2013年6月, 33(9):36-45.
孫宇亮🎡,周興龍👩🏽‍🎨,朱文斐. 國家女子網球隊運動員大力發球技術的的運動學分析. 北京大學學報, 2012年6月, 35(4):115-121.
孔兆偉,曹建民,謝敏豪,蘇浩,朱文斐,蕭潔華,時慶德,梁洪波. 澳門-北京部分高校教職工心血管疾病危險因素的比較.北京大學學報, 2012年1月,35(1):62-64.
包大鵬👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🫠,朱文斐. 基因與金牌的約會.生命世界👩🏻‍🏭,2008年7月, 255(7):46-49.



2017年9月:“一帶一路”全球健康國際研討會青年論壇,陜西西安🎄,專題口頭報告: Association of Objectively Measured Physical Activity with Cognitive Function in Older Adults
2016年11月☄️:美國運動醫學學會年會,美國波士頓,墻報交流: Longitudinal Association between Low- and High-light Intensity Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: REGARDS Study
Wenfei Zhu, Steven Hooker. Longitudinal Association between Low- and High-light Intensity Physical Activity and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: REGARDS Study, Poster in the 63th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. May 2016.
Wenfei Zhu, Virginia J. Howard, Virginia Wadley, Steven P. Hooker. Association of Objectively Measured Physical Activity with cognitive function in older adults. Oral Presentation in Symposium, A National, Longitudinal, Population-Based Study of Cognitive Functioning: The REGARDS Study, at the The Gerontological Society of America's 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL. Nov 2015.
Wenfei Zhu, Steven P. Hooker, Virginia J. Howard, Virginia Wadley. Accelerometer-derived Physical Activity in Older Adults - The Regards Study. Oral Presentation in Symposium in the 62nd American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. May 2015.
Wenfei Zhu, Jonathan Kurka, Carrie Geremia, Steven Hooker, Kelli L Cain, Terry Conway, James F Sallis, Marc Adams. Reliability of Google Earth Microscale Audit Pedestrian Streetscapes (GMAPS) between raters with varied familiarities of a region. Poster in the Active Living Research (ALR) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. Feb. 2015.
Wenfei Zhu, Virginia J. Howard, Virginia Wadley, Brent Hutto, Steven N. Blair , John E. Vena, Natalie Colabianchi, David Rhodes, Steven P. Hooker. Association of Objectively Measured Physical Activity with Cognitive Function in Older Adults - The Regards Study. Thematic Poster in the 61st American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. May 2014.
Wenfei Zhu, Steven Hooker, Jianmin Cao, Minhao Xie. Associations of Physical Activity with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle-aged Chinese Women. Poster in the 60th American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. May 2013.
朱文斐. 不同體力活動水平中年女性心肺功能及心血管風險研究💯,第九屆全國科學大會,上海👌🏼,2011年12月🍐。
朱文斐. 骨骼肌物理性質指標評價骨骼肌運動性疲勞效果研究,全國運動生理生化學術會議口頭報告🚣🏿,北京,2011年10月👩🏿‍🦰。
朱文斐. 北京市城市社區40-49歲人群體力活動水平調查研究,中國運動醫學與關節鏡外科學術大會口頭報告👰🏽‍♀️,陜西西安▪️👨‍🎨,2011年9月🗞。
朱文斐. The Effect of Vibration Training to Alleviate Exercise Induced Muscle Fatigue,第十六屆亞洲運動會科學大會墻報,廣東廣州🧔🏻,2010年10月🤸🏻。
朱文斐. 長期遞增負荷運動對大鼠骨骼肌有氧運動能力的影響😀,首屆中國運動生理生化學術會議大會墻報,四川成都🌱,2010年9月🙏🏿。
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